In a world full of shortcuts, we took the long way.
Order Soap is pure, organic, and uncompromised.
Made with 100 Percent Organic Oils.
No Artificial Additives. No Fake Scents.

It starts with
Oil Selection
Your skin is the largest organ on your body.
That is why we choose only the most exceptional organic oils to use in our soap.
Our oil is good enough to drink!

Next Comes
The Scent
Most soap companies use artificial scents and fragrances because real essential oils are expensive.
We never compromise. We use only the purest essential oils in our soap.
Once you smell the difference you will be revolted by the fake scents that other companies have been getting you to rub on your body.

Then Comes
The Form
One of our principles is that everything matters.
Every time you shower it is a chance to wash away the old and to bring in the new. So start your day with ORDER.
That is why we pour our soap into golden ratio bars. Every moment is a chance to be inspired. Take it.

And Then
The Finish
Our bars are going places.
They are headed into the hands of powerful people. Influential minds. Creative hearts.
So you better believe that each bar is carefully inspected, given a white glove finish, and hand sealed with the symbol of ORDER.